(Mobile Site)
Founded in 2006, Carnival Comics
is a Global Publisher of comic books, graphic novels,
novels, music, motion movies and apps.
Gracing Entertainment Weekly's Must List...
Carnival Comics titles are known around the world
with millions of downloads in over 200 countries.
The company has been featured in Wired Magazine,
LA Times, Entertainment Weekly, as well as being named
a 2009 Nokia Success Story alongside Netflix.
The Harry Hanukkah Story
Launched on the 1st Night of the Holiday.
The Harry Hanukkah Story tells the tale of two orphans,
which grow up to become toymakers, who forever change the world.
This heartwarming tale of a friendship
crosses boundaries and journeys into the heart of the holidays,
showing the world that
the magic of the season is for all!
Just look for the light!
Contains bonus Holiday Track...
"The Harry Hanukkah Song!"

Jazan Wild's Carnival of Souls: The Witch Doctor!
Book Nine in Jazan Wild's Carnival Of Souls series.
Jexter the Clown has his eye on young Worc, mon.
However, his Grandmudda wants to keep the boy
on the island working at her VooDoo Shop.
But you know how the Carnival of Souls works...
once you say those magical words
(I want to live in a carnival forever!)
and hand in your ticket,
your soul is bound to the big show.
This is how Worc, the Witch Doctor
set up shop among our caravan of freaks!!
Contains bonus Carnival Rock Track...


Jazan Wild's Carnival of Souls: The Bearded Lady!
Book Eight in Jazan Wild's Carnival Of Souls series.
Launches at #1 on Halloween Night on Amazon!
Jexter the Clown and his Caravan of Freaks return
in this hair raising tale of heartbreak and perseverance.
Vixcia is the apple of her mother's eye
and she wants to give her the world.
Sadly the world can be cruel, especially when you have a malady.
One that has everyone in town calling you.. the Bearded Lady!
Funny though, in Jexter's wicked sideshow,
that same oddity would have you called
A Main Stage Performer and Family!
Contains bonus Carnival Rock Track...
"Nothing Left To Say!"
Do not enter "A" carnival...
Click the picture and Enter The Carnival!

Jazan Wild's Carnival of Souls : The Knife Thrower!
Book Seven in Jazan Wild's Carnival Of Souls series.
Jexter the Clown is once again scouring time and space,
collecting more souls to add to his Freakshow.
This time his caravan of souls has raised its tentpoles in China.
A mysterious masked warrior with daggers
that never miss the mark, has caught his eye.
But for a ticket inside the gates, someone must die!
Contains bonus Carnival Rock Track...
Do not enter "A" carnival...
Click the picture and Enter The Carnival!

It's FRIDAY the 13th! And in the month of Halloween, no less!
So Carnival Comics gives you tricks and treats
to last a lifetime... and beyond!
Jazan Wild's Carnival of Souls : The Ringmaster!
Book Six in Jazan Wild's Carnival Of Souls series.
This Soul! This Time!
It's a new Ringmaster that
Jexter the Clown has his eye upon.
Young Madini may have empty pockets,
but he always has something up his sleeve!
Magic of course, and maybe an ace or two.
Will it be enough to give him a winning hand,
when the cold icy heart of Mother Yagga
the Witch comes calling?
Contains bonus Carnival Rock Track...
"I Don't Give A Damn!"
Do not enter "A" carnival...
Click the picture and Enter The Carnival!

It's FRIDAY the 13th, so let's ROCK & ROLL! Carnival Comics Style!
Carnival Comics Entertainment
launches Jazan Wild's Creature of the Night
(Rock Video)!
Wild's Creature of the Night song
is the perfect backdrop to Murphy's Law,
the 2nd book in the Funhouse Of Horrors Series!
Once more, Ghost Writer Jake Stone has revved up
his black hearse and is headed into another Halloween Adventure.
The small town of Harvest Moon, New Mexico
has kept its secrets buried for too long.
Well like the bodies in the wall of the Murphy House,
their time has passed, and those secrets are hidden
Music and Lyrics by Jazan Wild and Dan Kemp
Background Vocals by Sharon Levesque Barnes
Artwork by Rudy Vasquez Art
Colors by Dan Kemp
Jazan Wild's "The Chimes In The Tree" HITS #1
on Amazon's Fantasy List in 3 Countries
at the same time!
There must be some MAGIC in the leaves!
It's your time to journey into the forest
Enter the Tree!

The Chimes In The Tree tops
Amazon's Fantasy Graphic Novel List
in the USA for the first time
on Comic Con Weekend!!!!
Thank you all, for your support
of this enchanting story of Katie Windsor's journey
to discover the power and strength of belief in oneself
and the immeasurable value of true friendship.
(Chimes has now topped the charts in Japan,
France and the America.)
Enter the Tree on Amazon

Something Wild is happening in Japan!
The Chimes In The Tree, has hit
the TOP 5 Fantasy Novels on Amazon...
charting alongside the great J.K. Rowling!
On the Fantasy Graphic Novel charts,
Chimes has kept the #1 position
for 3 days in a row!
(We are honored and thrilled... Thank You!)
Enter the Tree on Amazon

The Chimes In The Tree hits #1 in Japan!
Thank You to all the readers in Japan
who entered the Tree on Amazon!
You made Katie Windsor's enchanted
adventure the #1 Fantasy Graphic Novel
in the land of the rising sun.
In the USA you can...
Enter the Tree on Amazon

Note from Jazan Wild:
"The Chimes in the Tree" is my new book series.
It's centered around Katie Windsor, an odd misfit,
who loves to play in the woods with her best friend,
her cat, Green Eyes.
One day her cat seems to disappear right before her eyes,
but yet, she still hears his cries.
They sound like they're coming out of the Great Oak itself.
(This is her favorite tree for her and Green Eyes
to climb into and have make-believe adventures
upon its many branches.)
Slowly Katie approaches. Her hand outstretched she reaches
for the bark, where the cries are emanating from.
First her arm enters the Tree,
and then so does she.
With that the journey of a girl who never fit into this world,
finds another one;
one that has been desperately awaiting
their Princesses' return.
I hope you all enjoy this enchanted tale
about finding the magic
and the warrior in each of us,
as much as I enjoyed writing it."
Enter the Tree on Amazon:
The Chimes In The Tree
(The Great Oak Cover)
Artwork by the amazing, Iwan Nazif
Colors by the astounding, Yuan Cakra
Editing by the wonderful, Sharon Levesque Barnes
Enter the Tree on Amazon:
Enter the Tree on Google Play:

FREE ebook for the Holidays!
Jazan Wild's The Chimes In The Tree...
is the story of Katie Windsor.
She was an odd child, with her head always in books;
her afternoons up in a tree,
playing games with her best and only friend...
her cat Green Eyes.
One day Green Eyes goes missing in the forest,
yet she hears his cries near the Great Oak;
actually in the Oak itself.
Soon, so was Katie.
And thus... Wild's latest epic journey begins! !
(The Frozen Chimes of Clarion's Peak Cover)
Check under the Tree (your Christmas Tree),
Carnival Comics has left you a gift.
Open it below.
Google Play
Apple's iBooks
Barnes and Noble

On Christmas Day Katie Windsor
steps into the Tree!
The Wind Chimes open the portal
to another world.
Soon, you will find out why!
Check under the Tree (your Christmas Tree),
Carnival Comics has left you a gift.
Open it below.
Get your FREE copy of "The Chimes In The Tree" today:
Google Play
Apple's iBooks
Barnes and Noble

Do You Hear The Bells?
Carnival Comics debuts...
Jazan Wild's "The Chimes In The Tree"
on Christmas Day!
Katie Windsor chases her cat, Green Eyes, through the forest.
He disappears. Yet she hears his cries from inside
the base of a Great Oak.
Suddenly a set of wind chimes
ring out from a branch up above...
Katie takes a step forward and into a Tree...
and into another world!
And find out just who is, Simon The Lion!
(Artwork by the one and only... Iwan Nazif!)

12 Years in the Making...
Jazan Wild's "The Chimes In The Tree"
will debut on Christmas Day!
Carnival Comics invites you on
an epic journey with Katie Windsor
as she and her cat, Green Eyes,
step through the bark
and into the Tree!
And find out just who is, Aker The Fox!
(Artwork by the one and only... Iwan Nazif!)

Jazan Wild's House of Horrors! (Rock Video)
A Very Merry Scary Christmas to All!
And to All a Good Fright!
Wild's House of Horrors song has been the backdrop
of the International Hit Series, Funhouse Of Horrors,
since its release in 2006.
The melody of horror that set the tone for
Ghost Writer Jake Stone's creepy adventures,
has quickly become a Halloween Classic,
used around the globe to rattle the bones
of the living and the dead...
one listen and it's in your head!
This threnody is more than a funeral song,
it's a journey through Stone's tragic life,
and you can come along!
Enter if You Dare... into the House of Horrors Rock Video!
Music and Lyrics by Jazan Wild
Background Vocals by Sharon Levesque Barnes
Artwork by Rudy Vasquez
Colors by Yuan Cakra
"Funhouse Of Horrors" � is a Registered Trademark
by "Carnival Comics" � Entertainment.
On Amazon This Halloween!
A special thank you to all
for making Jazan Wild's Funhouse of Horrors Novel
a #1 Best Seller on Amazon's Horror and Seasonal list
on Halloween Day!
Looking for a good scare?
Click on the picture and get the Best Selling Novel today:

If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It!
On Facebook Video!
Thank you to all the Dreamers
who believe in Magic and this Magical Tale!
And as always... Listen to LUCKY...
"If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It!�"
Enter this place of Dreams, by clicking on the picture:

Story, Music and Lyrics by JAZAN WILD.
If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It!�
(A Magical Melody From The Dandy Musical)
Story, Music and Lyrics by JAZAN WILD.
Only Dreamers can enter this Rock Opera!
A magical tale of letting go of all the noise in life
and holding onto the melody that can carry us higher.
If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It!�
The Funhouse of Horrors Graphic Novel remains a #1
title on the Horror and Fantasy list on Amazon!
Thank you all for your
support of this ghostly tale.
Get ready for a DANDY New Year!
The #1 Fantasy Dandy Novel is now FREE on Amazon!
An Epic tale of Hope and Magic...
If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It!
(Amazing Artwork by David Miller.)
Click the images for your ticket to DANDYWORLD:

Carnival of Souls: The Stilt Walker rises high...
in this Exclusive Preview at Comics for Sinners!
See Artists... Iwan Nazif's amazing artwork
and Rudy Vasquez's phenomenal cover art
for this issue of Jazan Wild's epic tale.
Click the image to go Comics for Sinners:

Step Right Up! You won't believe your eyes!
See Some Of Our Favorite Twists and Turns
On This Crazy Rollercoaster Ride!

CARNIVAL COMICS Takes the Top 30
Horror Comics And Graphic Novels
On Google Play!

CARNIVAL COMICS Takes 19 Of The Top 20
Fantasy Comics And Graphic Novels
On Google Play!
The Early Days of this Make-Shift Caravan of Souls!
